Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds, the latest instalment in the popular jRPG series, has finally been released for the western audience. Developed in cooperation between Netmarble, Level-5, and Studio Ghibli, Cross Worlds features gorgeous worlds created in a beloved Ghibli style.
Being an MMORPG, one of the very first things players will need to decide is to choose server and server region. In this article, we will address 2 important questions that fellow gamers will usually ask:
What are the available servers and how are they organized?
How to change servers in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds?
1. What are the available servers and how are they organized?
The servers in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds are organized by regions, and players are "region-locked" based on where they are logging in from:
Europe - Rose / Sage
North America - Jade / Onyx
South America - Noir / Judy
South-East Asia - Aqua / Sand
Examples of how each region's servers look like:
Europe | North America | South America | SE Asia |
Rose Aries | Jade Aries | Noir Aries | Aqua Aquarius |
Rose Cancer | Jade Cancer | Noir Gemini | Aqua Aries |
Rose Gemini | Jade Gemini | Noir Taurus | Aqua Cancer |
Rose Leo | Jade Leo | Opal Aries | Aqua Capricon |
Rose Scorpius | Jade Libra | Opal Gemini | Aqua Dorado |
Rose Taurus | Jade Scorpius | Opal Taurus | Aqua Gemini |
Sage Aries | Jade Taurus | Ruby Aries | Aqua Leo |
Sage Cancer | Jade Virgo | Ruby Cancer | Aqua Libra |
Sage Gemini | Onyx Aries | Ruby Gemini | Aqua Orion |
Sage Leo | Onyx Cancer | Ruby Taurus | Aqua Pisces |
Sage Libra | Onyx Gemini | | Aqua Scorpius |
Sage Scorpius | Onyx Leo | | Aqua Taurus |
Sage Taurus | Onyx Libra | | Aqua Virgo |
Sage Virgo | Onyx Scorpius | | Sand Aquarius |
| Onyx Taurus | | Sand Aries |
| Onyx Virgo | | Sand Cancer |
| | | Sand Capricon |
| | | Sand Dorado |
| | | Sand Gemini |
| | | Sand Leo |
| | | Sand Libra |
| | | Sand Pisces |
| | | Sand Scorpius |
You will see them in this format:

So, if you are in the right region, it is as easy as choosing the preferred server (maybe where your friends are located), and enter character creation from there. However, what if you prefer to be in another region?
2. How to change servers in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds?
Sometimes, especially the first time you’re playing, you might pick up the wrong region/server. Or you may be living in the United States, but your gaming buddy is playing in Europe.
There is no official way published to change region, and the only proven way so far is to install and run a VPN program before logging onto the game.
However, there is a catch, as you will not be able to take your current character to a different server. This means, that if you have spent a lot of time and effort on a specific character, they’re locked to the server that you have started on. Since the game just launched, there is no current way to avoid this, so make sure that you are on a lively server before you go too far into the game, for the risk of finding a dead server in a few months.
That's it! Have fun in this beautiful new game, and while it may look and feel alot like Genshin Impact, it has its own merits!
Check out our buy/sell section for Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds at ZeusX here.